EN – About me

I have always found myself fascinated with the finest details.
All complexities are available already in them.
Lines and curves, movement, dynamics, directions. Relations, in between.
Concealment, disclosure & continuous unfolding.

Born in 1979 in New York, I discovered artistic analog photography already in my early teens and have been practicing it ever since. I studied art & photography for a Bachelor’s degree in Austria (University of Arts Linz) and for a Master’s degree in northern Finland (University of Lapland). Parallel to my studies, I photographed in classical music projects for many years, seeking to bring out the more individual and intimate sides of collective music making.

Already then I began to engage in abstract visual art in connection with music and nature. Photography, various printing techniques, drawing and philosophy were and still are the spaces of my explorations. The mysteries and metaphors of abstraction, of nature and of music capture me, and so I capture them.

Alongside my ongoing artistic activity, I completed a Master’s degree in art therapy (Weißensee Academy of Art) in Berlin and worked at the Charité. Here in Berlin I currently give workshops & courses in analog photography and work as art therapist in my practice.

Art & Photography are and have always been an essential part of my life.

Here you can find my own artworks: www.orangreier.com

Oran Greier