Black & White Analog Photography In-Depth Course
1-2 persons •..12-24.meetings, app.3.hours.each •..meetings.are.set.individually •..English./.German |
In this course we will learn the possibilities of the wonderful art of black and white analog photography from the basics and into its depths. Alongside the acquisition of skill, we will experience it both in its exciting nature and as a mindful practice. We will work in single sessions or, if you’d like to come with a friend or family member, in a small group of 2 persons to enable full attention to your individual needs. The course is divided into three modules of content. The Basic Skills module is necessary in order to proceed with the later modules. The content of the later modules will be mixed and adjusted according to your individual interests. If you have completed the Basic Course Analog Essentials, the Basic Skills module can be skipped and you can continue with the more advanced content. If you have prior knowledge and experience in darkroom work, contact me and we will find a structure that suits your learning wishes. |
MODULE I / BASIC SKILLS – typically 8 meetings
For a detailed description, see the Analog Essentials Basic Course. |
FILMS: 1-2 rolls of film per 4 meetings will be provided by me. |
12-24 MEETINGS, app 3 hours per meeting 1 person: 389 € per 4 meetings Prices include 1-2 films, chemicals, photo paper and film protective sleeves If you choose to work with fibre based paper more often than intended for learning, an additional 5€ per meeting for material costs would be added. |
Additional 2-hour film developing meetings can be booked: 1 person: 69 € Prices include materials and film protective sleeves |
Additional printing meetings (minimum 3 hours) can also be booked: 1 person: 34 € per hour Prices include chemicals and photo paper |
If you have further questions or would like to sign up for a course, contact me at |