Black & White Printing in the Darkroom
1-3 persons •..3 meetings, •..meetings.are.set.individually •..English./.German |
Experience the wonder of seeing your own images appear on paper – create your photographs yourself. This workshop includes an introduction to the darkroom and a lot of hands-on work inside the darkroom. |
In this workshop you will:
Bring at least one developed black & white film with you (35mm or 120), from which you’d like to print photos. Feel free to contact me beforehand for consultation. |
3 MEETINGS, total app 9 hours 1 person: 289 € Contact me if you would prefer to book only 6 hours. Prices include chemicals and photo paper |
Additional printing-workshop meetings (minimum 3 hours) can be booked after the initial workshop: 1 person: 30 € per hour Prices include chemicals and photo paper |
If you have further questions or would like to sign up for a workshop, contact me at |